part 1 of 4
1. Kids, Don’t Do Drugs
This starts, as always, with Rule #1. Don’t commit any crimes, but if you do, don’t be stupid about it. Now I am not here to advocate in one direction or the other over whether or not marijuana or any other substance should be legal or illegal. On one hand, I have yet to have a client get totally baked and beat up their significant other. On the other, addiction is a real and scary thing that destroys lives and families. If you feel you have a problem, you should get help immediately. And it doesn’t have to cost money. AA and NA work and they are free. Furthermore, I fully endorse a strict age requirement for the possession and use of marijuana (or other substances) in jurisdictions where it is or becomes legal. The teenage brain is not equipped to handle even moderate amounts of alcohol, marijuana or most other controlled substances.
And let’s talk about a very real danger. I would urge anyone who uses an illegal (or so new the law hasn’t caught up with calling it illegal) substance to be very, very careful in what you try and whom you get it from. There are some substances out there that are just plain scary (bath salts, PCP) and others that probably don’t even work (K2). Even the supposed “safe” drugs can easily be adulterated or tainted leading to serious consequences. Again, be careful. Getting high is never worth dying over.
So, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, one of the most important things to remember is …
This starts, as always, with Rule #1. Don’t commit any crimes, but if you do, don’t be stupid about it. Now I am not here to advocate in one direction or the other over whether or not marijuana or any other substance should be legal or illegal. On one hand, I have yet to have a client get totally baked and beat up their significant other. On the other, addiction is a real and scary thing that destroys lives and families. If you feel you have a problem, you should get help immediately. And it doesn’t have to cost money. AA and NA work and they are free. Furthermore, I fully endorse a strict age requirement for the possession and use of marijuana (or other substances) in jurisdictions where it is or becomes legal. The teenage brain is not equipped to handle even moderate amounts of alcohol, marijuana or most other controlled substances.
And let’s talk about a very real danger. I would urge anyone who uses an illegal (or so new the law hasn’t caught up with calling it illegal) substance to be very, very careful in what you try and whom you get it from. There are some substances out there that are just plain scary (bath salts, PCP) and others that probably don’t even work (K2). Even the supposed “safe” drugs can easily be adulterated or tainted leading to serious consequences. Again, be careful. Getting high is never worth dying over.
So, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, one of the most important things to remember is …